CBF November Release Status Update No. 16 – T2S: Completion of RTS and start of T2S and CBF maintenance windows


Clearstream Banking AG (CBF) informs customers that all milestones for the T2S Release 5.2 weekend have been achieved in T2S and Clearstream. The maintenance windows started at 11:00.

After the finalisation of the CBF maintenance window, customers acting in ICP mode can transmit their instructions starting Monday, 22 November 2021, at around 01:30.

Customers acting in DCP mode should note that the schedule for the T2S maintenance window will be closed on Monday, 22 November 2021 from 02:30, as part of the T2S Operational Day.

Instructions provided during the maintenance window of T2S will be processed based on the regular T2S Operational Day.

Next Operational News is planned today, at around 13:00.