Investment Fund Market Guide – France


Key features (Register market)




Settlement free of payment



Settlement against payment


Refer to CBL’s Eligible currencies and the fund currency specified in fund prospectus.

Disclosure Requirements


Refer to Disclosure Requirements – Investment Funds – France.

Restrictions on customer


Refer to Holding Restrictions – Investment Funds – France.

Restrictions on settlement





Market type / link type (Settlement link)

Register market and CSD link

Eligible fund types in CBL

Register market: UCITS and AIFs (both bearer and administered registered form)

CSD linkaCSD-eligible investment funds, T2S-eligible funds and ETFs

a. Please refer to the Market Link Guide – France for more details on funds in the CSD link.

Eligible fund types in CBL

Register market

French investment funds that are created pursuant to the UCITS directive / AIFMD are eligible in Clearstream Banking, namely:

  • Undertaking for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS),
    (Organismes de Placement Collectif en Valeurs Mobilières (OPCVM))
  • Alternative Investment Funds (AIF),
    (Fonds d’Investissement Alternatifs (FIA))

In France, the financial securities (titres financiers) are dematerialised in accordance with the law no. 81-1160 of 30 December 1981 (as codified under Articles L. 211-3 of the Monetary and Financial Code, the “Code”). Consequently, investment fund units and shares are evidenced by book-entries in the securities accounts. 

These financial securities can be issued in either bearer form (au porteur) or registered form (forme nominative). Pursuant to Sapin 2 Law and Article D. 211-9-1 of the Code, Clearstream Banking will act as the Registered Intermediary (intermédiaire inscrits) for French investment funds.

CSD market

Please refer to the Market Link Guide – France for more information.

Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) 

Listed ETFs have the same settlement process as listed equities.

CSD-eligible funds, T2S-eligible funds

French investment funds that are eligible in Euroclear France or T2S can be made eligible in Clearstream Banking.