Risk Committee

The Risk Committee is responsible for advising the Supervisory Board on the CSD’s overall current and future risk tolerance and strategy.


  • Dr. Oliver Engels (Chairperson)
  • Dr. Stephanie Eckermann (Vice Chairperson)
  • Wolfgang Gaertner

Tasks and responsibilities

  • Advises the Supervisory Board on the institution’s overall current and future risk appetite, risk tolerance and risk strategy and assists the Supervisory Board in overseeing the implementation of that strategy;
  • Reviews whether the conditions offered to customers take into account the institution’s business model and risk structure. If this is not the case, the Risk Committee submits proposals to the Executive Board, about how the conditions applied to customers in accordance with the business model and the risk structure could be created; and
  • Examines whether incentives provided by the remuneration system take into consideration the risk, capital and liquidity structure of the institution and the likelihood and timing of earnings;
  • Takes advice from external experts, if necessary. It determines type, comprehensiveness, format and frequency of information to be provided by the Executive Board with regard to strategy and risk.