Treasury services

As global cross-border settlement volumes continue to grow, practical difficulties are also increasing, such as the concentration of demand at peak times, the unpredictability of market events, and the multitude of new market regulations. Efficient management of liquidity is becoming an increasingly challenging task; and being able to obtain an instant overview of your cash positions, and ensuring maximum liquidity at all times, are paramount to your business success.

In collaboration with our clients, we have developed a wide range of cash management solutions to keep liquidity management simple and yet ensure you are in full control of your cash. At the start of settlement day, by using the cash and collateral query in Creation, you can obtain a quick and thorough assessment of your cash positions and daily cash requirements. By using the same reporting functionality at end of day you can forecast and manage the cash you need to support night-time settlement.

We also provide bespoke solutions to address client cash management requirements on an individual basis.