Italy: Introduction of an Italian Financial Transaction Tax (IFTT)


Further to our Announcement A13031, dated 22 February 2013, we hereby inform you that, later on that day, 22 February 2013, the final Decree related to the application of the Italian Financial Transaction TAX (IFTT) was released.

The text of the Decree, as well as the list of Italian companies not in the scope of the IFTT, are available on the official website of the Italian Ministry of Finance (MEF) at the following address:

For the time being, all intermediaries are now waiting for a circular to be issued by the Italian Inland Revenue (Agenzia delle Entrate) that should provide explanations and operational guidelines, specifically with regard to the collection of the data, reporting and tax payments, as well as any further requirements to enable the intermediaries to act according to the law’s regulations.

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