Compliance Questionnaire and ISSA DDQ


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In addition to the Wolfsberg Questionnaire, Clearstream Banking S.A. has developed a comprehensive Compliance Questionnaire. In this document, we address those questions raised most frequently by our customers in the last two years in the context of KYC/AML exercises. This document also provides information on where to find frequently requested documents that are relevant in the context of our customers AML/CTF due diligence and provider’s KYC exercises. 

The ISSA Financial Crime Compliance Questionnaire (ISSA DDQ) provides information on how Clearstream Banking S.A. applies the Financial Crime Compliance Principles for Securities Custody and Settlement of the International Securities Services Association (ISSA). ISSA is a neutral non-profit association domiciled in Zurich (Switzerland). Currently, it has more than 110 member institutions such as custodian banks, clearing organisations, central depositories, stock exchanges, brokers and asset managers in around 50 countries.