Entitlement Compensation Rules - Singapore



Market compensation basis:

Settlement Date

Automatic Compensation Managed by Local CSD:


Restriction on custody events/transaction types:

No restriction

Additional information:
CBL’s depository proactively seeks to claim or to pay compensation if, based on CBL’s settlement instructions, a trade is to settle cum-entitlement but settlement actually occurs on/after the Record Date.

Service offered by CBL:

Adjustment is performed based on information received from the depository.


Market compensation basis:

Trade Date

Automatic Compensation Managed by Local CSD:


Restriction on custody events/transaction types:

Applies to all types of custody events/all transaction types except rights issues.

Additional information:
CBL’s depository proactively seeks to claim or to pay compensation if, based on CBL’s settlement instructions, a trade is to settle cum-entitlement but settlement actually occurs on/after the Record Date.

Service offered by CBL:

Adjustment is performed based on information received from the depository.