Guidelines for uploading CSV files for German tax breakdowns, Tax Vouchers and Reporting Standing Instructions via BO Upload


When requesting German tax breakdowns, Tax Vouchers or Reporting Standing Instructions (InvStG) via the BO Upload application, customers must upload CSV files.

The description of the CSV file for German Tax Vouchers is available here. Descriptions of the CSV file for German tax breakdowns and "Reporting Standing Instruction InvStG" are available here.

To avoid rejection of CSV files for German tax breaksdown and German Tax Voucher requests via the BO Upload application, customers should follow these guidelines:

  • Use a decimal point “.” as a separator for fractions and decimals instead of a comma “,”.
  • Do not use special characters such as !,”,#,$, / and spaces. Mutated vowels such as ä, ö, ü can be used.
  • In the field “Tax Rate”, enter “14.218” without the percent sign "%".
  • Use only the provided template and no other CSV file.
  • Do not add new columns, delete columns or rename headers in the CSV file.
  • Do not insert blank lines or comments and notices in the CSV file.
  • Upload only CSV files and do not upload Excel files that are renamed to .csv.
  • Per Upload, submit only requests for the same dividend year. 
  • Clearstream Banking S.A. customers must complete the File Upload Information with their five-digit Clearstream Banking account number, tick Creation and enter the account number “7201” in the CSV file.

Note: Uploaded and rejected requests for German Tax Vouchers, returned original Tax Vouchers, requests for duplicates or corrections of Tax Breakdowns are charged.